A Message from Zeppra and Her Loyal Messengers, 2017
a multi-voice narrated video w/ syntax-highlighted transcripts displaying
* Headphone recommended *
A message from Zeppra and her loyal messengers from Zeppra on Vimeo.
This audio with its corresponding syntax-highlighted transcript is about the mapping of natural language division onto the digital sphere, structured texts and the structural proliferation of texts, and the mercy (also doom) machines enjoy — indefatigable loop and repetition.
I transliterated several Chinese paragraphs with Latin alphabets and English vocabularies which sounds most relevant to the origin, and transferred them into audio through a “English-spoken-only” text-to-voice software. The transcripts are pasted into a text editor and displayed paralleled with the audio. With modifying the configuration files of the editor, each language elements are abled to be shown in different textual styles (font color, weight, etc.).
At the kernel of the layers of Russian-doll-like quotational structure, an ambiguous cluster forms - an indecipherable paragraph from the Chinese-spoken artist. As the structured text gradually descending, five quoters meticulous complete their services, as loyal absurdly, as precise rigidly. The vacant original author and the untraceable original meaning forces the quotation into the state of a posthumous work. In the pre-history of this scene, I, the one left with the mysterious messages, acted as the Creator who had been absent once an array of demand of creating the world was ordered. While the machinery messengers will whisper and seek through the ages, like searching for the prefect infinite circle by constantly incising a square.
exhibition view: at FOU Gallery, Brooklyn 布鲁克林,否画廊
exhibition view: at Power Station of Art, Shanghai 上海当代艺术博物馆
exhibition view: at GESSOISLAND, Shenyang 沈阳GESSOISAND