“She’s Looking Back”,2018

A Wearable installation

"She's Looking Back", 2018 from Zeppra on Vimeo.

“她回头”(2018)是一个捕捉佩戴者回头动作、并将短信发送给佩戴者前任(或者其他与之有渊源未尽之人)的小数字装置。短信内容 ”She’s looking back” 是一个双关语,字面上表示“她在回头”,亦包含“她回忆往昔”的象征含义。


She’s Looking Back is a wearable installation which captures the "turning-around" gesture of the user and texts a message "She's looking back" to her ex-partner. The "looking-back" works as a pun for both a literal body movement and metaphorical rhetoric.

This device is about the absurdity of useless biometrics contribute to a useless machine, the attentiveness raised when a user is aware of the chain reaction caused by her micro-gesture, and the incompatibility of verbal and bodily languages.


使用的主要部件是:微处理器是feather FONA,一款adafruit设计的携带蜂窝通信模块的adruino兼容处理器,需要GSM通信的SIM卡;压力传感器-Interlink 402;锂电池-1200mAh。

这个作品与 UCB environment design的赵瀚卿(传动结构设计、木工)、 以及cinema studies的Helen Jiang(部分理论文稿、模特)合作。

How it is realized: when the wearer turns her head back, one side of a rubber band tied on her neck stretches and the other side releases which conduct pressure to a force sensor, triggering a microcontroller to text a specified number.

The device consists of a Feather FONA microcontroller, by Adafruit, which carries cellular communication model; a SIM card; an FSR - Interlink 402; a lithium battery.

I collaborated with Hanqing Zhao, UC Berkeley Environment Design, for structure design and woodwork; and Helen Jiang, UC Berkeley Cinema Studies, for conceptual research.